Our Events

Introduction to General Construction – WorkLINK Course

8 Main St. E, Hamilton, ON Room #307 8 Main St. E, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

In this 6-week workplace preparation course, you will: Enhance your English communication skills Learn specific language for the construction industry Gain an understanding of different jobs, their duties and requirements […]

G1 Driving Test Preparation Classes


Get on the road to success with our G1 Driving Test Preparation classes! This online session will teach participants the rules of the road, how to understand traffic signs, and […]

Steps to Effective Parenting – Information Session

Main Site 8 Main St. East, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

Join our team and guest speaker Ania Wrobel from EarlyON Child and Family Centres for an informative online session where you will learn tips for developing effective parenting! This session […]

G1 Driving Test Preparation Classes


Get on the road to success with our G1 Driving Test Preparation classes! This online session will teach participants the rules of the road, how to understand traffic signs, and […]

Online Canadian Citizenship Preparation


Wondering how to prepare for the Canadian Citizenship test? Join our free online citizenship preparation class today! Five online sessions to study and practice for the test in an interactive […]

Financial Literacy Classes – Budgeting Basics


Gain a better understanding of money with our Financial Literacy sessions! In this session, you will learn about the basics of budgeting and learn practical tips so you can approach […]

Active Learning Circle – YouTube Enterprise Training

100 Main St. E, Ste. 210 100 Main St. E, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

Enhance your English conversation skills and learn the basics of YouTube content creation in our new program! Our upcoming sessions are an opportunity to learn how to create your own […]

SheMakes Program

Centennial Site 160 Centennial Pkwy N #7, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

Looking to start a creative business? Learn how you can start your business using a Cricut machine! Over 12 weeks, participants will meet twice a week to learn the basics […]

Active Learning Circle – YouTube Enterprise Training

100 Main St. E, Ste. 210 100 Main St. E, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

Enhance your English conversation skills and learn the basics of YouTube content creation in our new program! Our upcoming sessions are an opportunity to learn how to create your own […]

SheMakes Program

Centennial Site 160 Centennial Pkwy N #7, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

Looking to start a creative business? Learn how you can start your business using a Cricut machine! Over 12 weeks, participants will meet twice a week to learn the basics […]