Immigrant Spotlight: Meet Fathi

For Fathi, a family man and long-time car enthusiast, there was never a question of what he wanted to do with his career in Canada. “I’ve always loved cars, working with them and learning to put things together, ever since I was little” he said “It was lucky because I saw that the mechanic trade was profitable in Canada, so I always had the goal to continue my career when I came here.” 


When Fathi and his family’s opportunity to move to Canada from United Arab Emirates came in 2018, he had over 15 years of work experience. While optimistic, Fathi knew that getting his trades credentials recognized in Canada could be a lengthy and difficult process. “It’s not just about the skills and experience here. You can’t get hired or find work here without passing the Canadian tests which is difficult if you don’t know the language or how these sort of tests work.”

Getting licensed as a newcomer to Canada


When Fathi was first referred to us by his Ontario Works caseworker. Fathi was quickly introduced to Eman, coordinator of WorkLINC (our language and employment preparation program for newcomers) and skilled trades employment specialist. 


“It was such a great initial meeting,” Eman says of meeting Fathi for the first time “He had all the drive, passion and more than enough experience that I knew he had everything to have a wonderful career and life here in Canada.” 


With the help of many on the IWC team including our settlement counsellors — Fathi and his family received simultaneous support for his employment and family-settlement needs.


Becoming an Automotive Technician and mentor in skilled trades

With perseverance, hard work, and the right support Fathi now happily works as Automotive Technician and enjoys working and living with his family in Hamilton, Ontario. “After that, it was an easy and smooth process, I got my license because of the support I received and the continual effort to see it through.”  


Since starting his career, one of Fathi’s proudest moments came when Eman, his employment specialist and friend, offered him a position to give back by teaching and mentoring new automotive students at IWC. “It was such a big boost to confidence when I chosen for this role. I was so happy.” 


Since then, Fathi has helped many students at IWC to study, prepare and pass their automotive examinations and continues to support his past students with career guidance and support. Fathi was also was chosen as a spokesperson at the Skills Ontario Discovery Day for New Canadians to encourage others to pursue and learn more about the automotive industry.

“The opportunity to give back to other newcomers, to help them like I was helped, is something I will always be very proud of.” 


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Please note that all IWC locations will be closed on Monday, October 14th. Our offices will re-open and all services will resume on Tuesday, October 15th at 9:00 AM.

Closure Notice!

Please note that all IWC locations will be closed on Monday, August 5th. Our offices will re-open and all services will resume on Tuesday, August 6th at 9:00 AM.

Closure Notice!

Please note that all IWC locations will be closed on Monday, August 5th. Our offices will re-open and all services will resume on Tuesday, August 6th at 9:00 AM.