Partnerships That Transform Lives

We are starting our year by celebrating our partners, such as McMaster Hospitality. For the past decade, they have been a key supporter of our vision for a Hamilton where immigrants can achieve social and economic success. They also serve as a source of employment opportunities, contributing to the integration and growth of newcomers in our city.  

This past December, at IWC’s 35th Anniversary, we recognized McMaster Hospitality as the “Partner of the Year 2023.” This recognition is the result of a successful partnership that has grown over the years.


Our journey with McMaster began ten years ago when our employment specialists, Doris and Rosemary, reached out to build a connection. At that time, McMaster invited our clients to tour their facilities as well as to get to know the opportunities within their department.

During that first visit, “McMaster not only showed our clients their facilities but also conducted interviews and hired clients” Doris recalls.  “One of our clients that was hired got his culinary education in Canada sponsored by them [McMaster Hospitality].”

This visit was not just a preview into their department; it marked the start of a decade-long collaboration that has provided job opportunities to newcomers and promoted their professional growth. The then manager, a key figure in McMaster Hospitality’s hiring decisions, constantly demonstrated her enthusiasm for integrating our clients into Hamilton’s workforce and support for newcomers in our city.

McMaster Hospitality Service representative giving an acceptance award speech.

“McMaster not only showed our clients their facilities but also conducted interviews and hired clients.”

McMaster Hospitality Service representatives smiling to the camera while accepting Partner of the Year award

In many of our partnerships that are focused on employment development, we play a vital role. We connect our clients with local organizations that recognize the skills and knowledge that newcomers bring to our city. We guide them through the process of getting connected, and if they start a job, we continue to support them as they adjust to the Canadian workplace.


Doris, our Employment Specialist, recalls a time when one of her clients benefitted from this partnership. She shares how her client was having issues finding McMaster’s facilities for a job interview. She called Doris, who swiftly answered.

McMaster supported and provided directions to make sure she arrived safely. In the end, she ended up landing the position!


As we celebrate McMaster Hospitality Services as our “Partner of the Year,” we reflect on a decade of continued support, shared success stories, and the recognition that true partnership goes beyond business; it’s about transforming lives. 

Closure Notice!

Please note that all IWC locations will be closed on Monday, August 5th. Our offices will re-open and all services will resume on Tuesday, August 6th at 9:00 AM.