Bridging Success, Empowering Newcomers: Josh’s Story

As we recognize the notable contributions of our community during Welcoming Week, we are thrilled to shine our spotlight on Josh, a benevolent community member who connected with IWC not as a client, but as a community member with a mission to give back. Josh’s dedication to supporting others stems from a genuine desire to make a difference and contribute to his community. His journey is an example of the power of personal commitment and mentorship in assisting newcomers find their footing in their new homes. 


After completing his undergraduate studies, Josh says he made it his mandate to give back to his community. However, his history of community involvement didn’t begin with IWC. Before joining our organization, he had dedicated his time to volunteering with Big Brothers Big Sisters, showcasing his commitment to making a positive impact wherever he can. 

Josh smiling in front of graphic for Welcoming Week

After contacting IWC about potential volunteer opportunities, Josh connected with Thary, one of our dedicated employment counsellors. Luckily, the stars aligned and resulted in a mentorship opportunity between Josh and Thary’s client, Hamza. Josh and Hamza had a common professional background in engineering and Josh’s project management certification aligned perfectly with Hamza’s aspirations of becoming a project manager in the Canadian engineering sector.  


In addition to his full-time job with the city, Josh committed himself to his role as a mentor. He understood the barriers faced by immigrants seeking Canadian work experience and could empathize with them as they establish their new careers in Canada. 


Josh and Hamza began their mentorship journey with weekly meetings at the library. Josh commended Hamza not only for his in-depth understanding of the material they reviewed but also for his proactive approach in laying the groundwork for his job search. During their 2-3 hour meetings, they also discussed interview tactics such as the STAR method and emphasizing the power of storytelling. Josh encouraged Hamza to have a few compelling stories that he could share during interviews, stories that showcased his skills and accomplishments. 


Through these weekly meetings and the guidance of Josh, Hamza began to receive job offers that aligned well with his background and experience. Josh recognized the importance of services and bridging programs in helping newcomers like Hamza overcome barriers and set themselves up for success in the Canadian job market.


In speaking with Josh, it’s clear that his passion for assisting others stems from a love for working with people and hearing their stories. He believes that being part of a community is one of life’s greatest joys as well as in the profound impact that one can make by directly engaging with and supporting others.  He firmly believes in the immense value that immigrants contribute to our community, enriching our city with their diverse backgrounds and experiences. 


Josh’s continued commitment to giving back creates a direct impact on the lives of those he supports with his knowledge and expertise. His work serves as an example of what we can accomplish when we unite to support one another and reminds us of the tangible importance of every community member’s role in helping to build welcoming, diverse, and inclusive communities. 


This blog post is just one piece of our Welcoming Week series, where we aim to spotlight the incredible people, places, and values that create an inclusive and inviting environment in our communities. Together, let’s celebrate diversity, support newcomers, and continue building bridges that make Canada a truly welcoming home for all. Click here to read more incredible stories in the series. 

Closure Notice!

Please note that all IWC locations will be closed on Monday, August 5th. Our offices will re-open and all services will resume on Tuesday, August 6th at 9:00 AM.